More and more distributors are trying to penetrate into the highly competitive whole food as well as organic product market in Singapore.
This article aims to educate newbie distributors about the various steps, which he/she can follow to create and maintain a successful firm in the organic food singapore foodstuffs market.
Solid and severe market research is the first step. Knowledge of the market and consumer preferences can give you the edge in almost all situations. Organic products are booming in the SEA region with Singapore taking the lead. Rice is the staple diet of Asians who constitute the majority in Singapore. A distributor who is aware of this and immediately takes action by bringing in more stocks of organic rice will reap profits and gain more market share in Singapore.
Improving your local distribution networks happens to be the next step. Hire local agents who will help distribute your product farther and faster. Developing sustainable and mutually beneficially relationships with established local distributors is quintessential.
Advertising is a crucial step in the process to become an organic food millionaire. With the recent outbreak of epidemics such as SARs and bird flu, consumers are looking for healthier sources of nutrition. The right promotional strategy coupled with discounts will generate interest in your products. Including organic food recipe booklets and distributing brochures about the ‘benefits of organic food‘ will increase consumer trials of your products.
Packaging is the final step in this process. Small and attractive packaging will encourage new consumers to try your product. Giving out samples will aid this process. The packaging should be of premium quality and should be able to withstand the tropical heat and humidity in Singapore. Distributors must also take care in the transportation and storage of organic produce. Organic produce should be wrapped in foil and brought in air-conditioned transportation services to maintain their freshness.
Take advantage of the go organic craze market. If all these steps are followed in the right order, the whole food market distributor can co-exist with their competition whilst making enormous profits.